A Personalized Newspaper Created from Twitter? Really?

Paper.li is a tool that uses Twitter or Facebook to create a personalized digital newspaper based on your interests.  It is very easy to create and takes just a couple of minutes.  I tried it out and created a newspaper for myself using technology as the focus in less than 2 minutes!  Check it out:  http://paper.li/CRenfrow/1298570025

What makes this a wonderful educational tool is the fact that students and teachers can have a personalized newspaper to read based on their interests, or specific content being studied in the classroom. The newspaper automatically updates itself every 24 hours to get the newest information on your topic.  All you need is a Twitter or Facebook 
account to begin.  Because Facebook is usually filled more with personal socialization information, I believe that using Twitter to create the newspaper would be better for school use because you can get more newsworthy information, and the latest events happening in the world, etc.  Teachers, just imagine being able to have your students (and yourself) receive the very latest real-time information on any given topic that you are studying instantly and having it updated automatically every 24 hours! 

Please check out this tool at:  http://paper.li/ and create your own digital newspaper today.  This is one great tool for creating personal learning networks!

Picture attribution:  "The Writing Centers Daily" by tengrrl is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
