Gapminder World - Minding the Gap on October 12, 2011 Teaching Technology technology coaching technology integration +
Popplet - Simple, Versatile Way to Present Information on September 23, 2011 concept maps digital posters Education educational technology mind mapping Popplet presentations technology integration web 2.0 +
I'm Flipping for Flipboard!! on September 04, 2011 apps Education educational technology flipboard Internet Research iPad personal learning network real-time data Technology technology resources +
iHomework Gets Students Organized on May 23, 2011 apps Education educational technology homework iHomework iPad iPhone ipod Technology technology resources +
Dabbling with Dabbleboard! on April 25, 2011 dabbleboard Education educational technology integration technology resources whiteboard app +
Apps for Digital Storytelling: Easy and Awesome! on March 29, 2011 educational technology literature reading writing +
A Personalized Newspaper Created from Twitter? Really? on February 24, 2011 educational technology news personal learning network Teaching twitter +
My Study Bar is Just What the Teacher Ordered! on January 10, 2011 Education educational technology special education universal design for learning web 2.0 +