Google Notebook

I love Google Notebook! I don't know what I ever did without it. I use it to store all of the information that I find that will help educators to integrate technology into their classrooms and facilitate their student's 21st Century Skills. It is categorized by topic and content area which helps me keep it all straight and easy to find. What is especially great about this application is that it can be used to gather research information like the old fashioned index cards except better! Google notebook allows the researcher to "clip" the url and any notes they wish to take with the click of a button. You will need a gmail account before you can access it. Once you sign in with your gmail account, you click on the "more" menu and then choose "even more". This will take you to a list of Google tools where you will find notebook. You can keep your notebooks private or you can share them with the world. I decided to share my notebooks that are about technology integration. Here is a link to my website that leads to accessing my Google Notebook resources by topic. I hope you find them useful!
